Registration Fees


Early Bird (until 3/28)

Regular (3/29 - 4/26)

Onsite (4/27- 5/1)

















State Executive




Registration Policies

All cancellations must be submitted to by Friday, April 4 to receive a refund, less a $50 fee. 

Any cancellations after Friday, April 4 are non-refundable. Substitutions for registrations can be granted at any time.


Dine-Around & Activity Fees*


Early Bird (until 3/28)

Regular (3/29 - 4/26)

Onsite (4/27- 5/1)

Dine Around - The Olde Pink House*


No Change

No Change

Dine Around - The Lady & Sons*


No Change

No Change

Dine Around - The Pirate's House*


No Change

No Change

Dine Around - Vic's on the River*


No Change

No Change

Historic Walking Tour




Fishing Charter




Golf Clinic




Golf Tournament




Golf Club Rental


No Change

No Change

YL Visor


No Change

No Change

Haunted "Boos" Cruise




*Dine-Around and Activity fees are only refundable/changeable through Friday, April 18. Onsite changes are subject to availability. Transfers to other attendees are allowed. We may be able to refund an activity or dine-around fee if we can re-sell to another attendee. Substitutions for dine-arounds or activities can be granted at any time.

You are eligible to participate in Young Leaders if you work within the aggregates industry and you are 40 or younger. There is no formalized application process – to join and be added to the group, please fill out the interest form located here.

The event is open to all aggregates industry professionals age 40 and younger and their spouses/guests. Please note that if your spouse/guest works within the aggregates industry, they must register as a full attendee, not a spouse/guest. 

While there is no registration deadline, we encourage you to sign up early to make sure you are able to participate in your preferred optional events. Sign up through Friday, March 28 to take advantage of the discounted early registration rate. Rates will increase again when we are onsite beginning April 27 due to badging preparation time, prior finalized food and beverage guarantees, etc.

The dress code is resort casual. For tours and optional activities, the dress code is casual.

  • Make sure you bring comfortable shoes for the optional add-on activities.
  • If you are golfing, please pack golf attire & shoes. Clubs can be rented or you may bring your own.
  • Some people tend to dress up more for the receptions (resort festive attire).

Dine-arounds are a great way to try local restaurants while getting to know your fellow attendees. NSSGA has made group dinner reservations for Monday, April 28 at several excellent Savannah restaurants. Check out the options on our Dine-Around page.

You will be able to sign up for a specific restaurant during the registration process. On the dine-around night, NSSGA will provide transportation to and from the restaurant, and you’ll enjoy great food and company. All food and some drinks are included in your dine-around fee. 

If all dine-arounds were sold out when you registered, you can add yourself to the waitlist for particular restaurants, and also check with us onsite if there were any last minute cancellations. We can then take credit card payment onsite.  If a colleague can't make it and wants to swap with you, we can honor this at any time.

There are a few possible reasons for this scenario: 

  • Membership is validated by your email address. If you used an email address ending in,,,, etc., your membership will not be recognized. You MUST use your work/company/professional email address when registering to get our member rates. For exceptions, please contact us. Guests can only use non-member company email addresses to get access to guest passes.

  • If you joined NSSGA recently (for the first time), we may not have you in our registration system yet. Please contact us and we will verify your membership and charge you the correct registration rate. If lag time causes you to be pushed into a later registration date, and consequently a higher registration price, we will honor the registration rate at the time you first contacted us. 

  • Membership with NSSGA is on a company-level (i.e. if your company is a member, you, as an employee, by default are also a member). Your company's membership with NSSGA may have lapsed. You can always contact to verify your company's membership status.

Come by our registration/badge pick-up desk to get checked in with us.

The location of the desk will be made available to you on our app prior to the event as well as onsite signage. We'll also have separate stations to pick up your event t-shirt, pick up any visors if pre-purchased, pick up your dine-around tickets/wristbands, and receive any assistance with last-minute registration changes or general questions.

These stations will be separate from check-in to keep our lines moving smoothly and efficiently. Our registration desk hours are found on the schedule page.

It includes access to all guest-specific sessions (meet and greet, trolley tour and yoga) and meal functions/receptions not requiring a separate fee. Guests are welcome to attend the general sessions and breakout sessions.

Once you complete your registration, you will be taken to a page with a button to book your hotel room at the Savannah Westin. We have secured a rate only for our group with the hotel. It is recommended to book your room as soon as you have completed registration.

Rooms can sell out fast, and our last day to book is Friday April 4, 2025 at 5PM EST. After that, attendees will need to book directly with the hotel (or nearby property) subject to the hotel's rates. Our block rate is $284/night.

When you build your schedule during registration, you are not beholden to the sessions chosen (unless they are paid). You can switch your session selections at any time (again, unless it is a paid session or limited space session). You can either do so in the event app available a few days before the event, by modifying your registration before that, or simply decide on the spot without changing your schedule.

We appreciate your selections ahead of time for sessions with food or drink, as this helps us make sure we have enough for everyone and to not be wasteful. We also appreciate it for non-food/drink sessions for seating chart capacity accuracy.

  • General Sessions are a must not miss!
  • Breakout sessions can be chosen based on your interests.
  • Headshot slots will fill up early!
  • Dine-arounds will also fill up quickly, so choose one when you register.

Our event app will be available a few days prior to the event start. The app will have the most up to date schedule and session locations, information on shuttle boarding times, the ability to chat with other attendees, attendee list, maps, among other important information. Last-minute changes will be announced via app notification, so we strongly suggest downloading it!

You can prepare now by downloading "Attendee Mobile", our container app for all NSSGA events, and once our app is ready, we will provide you search terms to find our "app within the app."

Attendee Mobile for Android

Attendee Mobile for Apple/iOs