Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How do you choose which classes make it into the final program?

A. NSSGA's Meetings & Events Committee reviews and scores all proposals. The top proposals are then slotted into the final program based on balancing the tracks, topic difficulty level, and giving as many of our members as possible a chance to be in the program.


Q. What kind of topics are you looking for this year?

A.  Attendance has been rising in the Business & People Management track, so there will be a higher number of those types of classes in the 2025 show. This includes topics on managing one's business (finances, sales, inventory management, etc.), managing and leading a team, and soft skills (emotional intelligence, communication, conflict resolution, etc.). That being said, we are looking for topics in all four tracks to create a balanced program.

Q. Do you have any tips to increase my proposal's chance of being selected?

A. Yes! The topic description in your proposal is the primary information reviewers will use to score your submission. Reviewers are scoring dozens of proposals, so yours should stand out. Be sure to make it as informative, interesting and concise as possible. Think about answering the following in your description:

  • What am I talking about, and why should anyone care?
  • Why would someone want to attend this session?
  • What will an attendee gain from attending this session?

Other tips for success:

  • Don't copy/paste a whitepaper - the shorter, the better
  • Use spellcheck/grammar check
  • Include a few learning objectives
  • Don't mention a specific manufacturer/brand/model of equipment - these can give the perception that the proposal is a sales pitch


Q. What kinds of topics get the most attendance at the show?

A. It depends! Classes that focus on fundamentals (XYZ 101, The Basics of ABC) are always popular, as are topics that include case studies and real-world examples. Attendees come to AGG1 to learn how to run their businesses more efficiently and profitably, so topics that focus on those outcomes tend to do well. Additionally, panel or roundtable discussions that involve multiple equipment suppliers and producers usually have strong attendance.


Q. What kinds of topics don't usually do well?

A. We've seen a trend away from very niche operational and business management topics (i.e. explaining how to troubleshoot a very specific piece of equipment that is not widely used in the industry; or how to interpret a particular part of the tax code). Instead, think about topics that would appeal to a wider audience.


Q. How long are the classes?

A. AGG1 Academy classes are either 60 or 90 minutes long. You will be asked which you prefer during the proposal submission process. If selected, Show Management will do our best to give you your preferred duration.


Q. What is your non-commercial policy?

A. Because AGG1 Academy attendees are seeking quality education sessions and are always critical of presenters or sessions that are self-promotional, NSSGA policy prohibits presenters from using education sessions for commercial sales pitches, self-promotion or unwarranted criticism of a competitor (which, in some cases, could constitute a violation of federal antitrust laws). Presentations should only advance the educational process; sales pitches do not and are, therefore, unacceptable. NSSGA reserves the right to reject any presentation that appears to violate this policy and any presenter or company found in violation may be barred from future participation in the AGG1 Academy. 


Q. How many topic proposals can I submit?

A. You may submit as many as you like; there is no limit.


Q. I want to submit a proposal, but I'm not an NSSGA member. Can I still submit one?

A. Presenting in the AGG1 Academy is limited to NSSGA members only. For membership information, please contact


Q. What if I need more help?

A. For assistance, please contact