NSSGA, NAPA and NRMCA are joining forces on September 26 and 27 for “Hill Days” to share industry priorities with elected officials and policymakers. Together, our voice is stronger. Together, we achieve more. Together, we build!

Registration for the joint hill days for association members is $395 through July 28 and $495 beginning on July 29.

Industry Priorities

The industry priorities we will focus on are:

1. Keep infrastructure funding flowing:

  • Support delivery of the historic investments provided by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  •  Complete the annual appropriations bills and avoid a government shutdown.
  • Pass a reauthorization of our FAA programs that supports robust airport construction and research.
  •  Address rail service delays that bottlenecks deliver of materials needed to build.

2. Remove harmful red tape impeding material suppliers:

  • Ensure no new domestic sourcing requirements are unnecessarily placed on producers.
  • Enact a legal and durable WOTUS definition that gives certainty to material suppliers.
  • Support a science-based MSHA silica rule that protects workers
  • Streamline the permitting process to expedite project.

3. Support Legislation that promotes the future generation of construction and mining professionals.


We held two webinars to prepare our members for these meetings. Click on the plus sign to watch them!

Wednesday, September 6 at 2pm ET

LPF Webinar: Hill Day Prep and Issue Review

In this webinar, we discussed our advocacy agenda and ran through the logistics of Hill days. Government affairs staff from NSSGA, NRMCA and NAPA will broke down how to access your schedule, meet your team, prepare for meetings, and move through Capitol Hill. We also provided the latest state of play on what is happening on Capitol Hill, an overview of our hill day talking points, and how to be a great advocate for your business.

Tuesday, August 22 at 2 pm ET

LPF Webinar: Hill Day 101 for First Time Participants

This was the first of two webinars NSSGA, NRMCA and NAPA hosted to prepare the industry for our joint Hill Days. In this webinar, we dove into the basics of advocacy and provided strategies on how to have an impactful meeting on capitol hill. From Hill meeting prep, to navigating around the capitol complex, to how to draft a thank you note, this webinar will give you the understanding needed to be a great advocate for your industry! We encourage all first-time hill day participants or anyone who wants an advocacy refresher to review this webinar below.

Latest Hill Day Map

Check out our interactive map of registrants signed up for Hill Day by districts they live & work in. Don't see your area represented? Register today!