Breakout Session - Markets and End Use of High Calcium Limestone
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Most quarries across the country extract rock for its physical properties and use the material for construction applications. There are some operations, however, that are more concerned with the chemistry of the stone. Linwood Mining & Minerals operates a mine in Davenport, IA that is a high calcium limestone deposit, and roughly 80% of the rock sold is due to the chemical makeup of the stone, rather than the physical properties. Come to this session to learn about the many (and sometimes surprising!) products and end uses of high calcium limestone – you interact with many of these products every day without realizing it!
Location Name
Salon E
Full Address
San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk
889 E Market St
San Antonio, TX 78205
United States
889 E Market St
San Antonio, TX 78205
United States