Full Name
Justin Patton
Job Title
Executive Coach
Speaker Bio
Justin Patton is an executive coach, leadership presence expert, and award-winning author who challenges leaders to use their presence to communicate with stronger trust. Justin's background includes the following:

• High school English teacher for five years
• Managed the nationals training department for Anthem
• Studied body language from a former FBI agent
• Developed over 10,000 restaurant leaders from across the globe
• Coached NCAA athletes and contestants in the Miss America and Miss USA pageants

Justin is currently a faculty member for the US Chamber of Commerce and a member of both the International Coach Federation and the National Speakers Association. His leadership book, Bold New You, became the #1 Amazon best-seller in new releases for communication. In addition, it became a finalist in the National Indie Excellence Book Awards and then won the top award from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and Indie Reader Discovery Awards. Justin's engaging style, relatable storytelling, and insightful messages make him a sought-after keynote speaker. His programs will inspire you to reimagine who you are at your best and what is possible in your life.
Justin Patton